Monday, 16 December 2013


Throughout my music video a wide variety of shots will be used,  each shot portrays different messages and connotates a certain image to the audience, below is an image that demonstrates the different types of framing,

VLS (VERY LONG SHOT) also know as, extreme long shot are rarely used in music but ,aybe used to set the scene and it allows the audience to get a feel for what could be expected as a certain setting will connotate different messages. In my music video the only reason I would use this shot isif the artist changes location
LS (LONG SHOT) These types of shots can be used to show the artist or actor in full in detail, but with a small part of the enviroment showing, this allows the audience to see the performer and the develop steortypes behind the costume, but the ideas can be influenced by the enviroment, e.g. If a rap artist is in a neighbourhood where there is alot of graffiti this could suggest they are just starting out and that the still live in the 'ghetto' but if they where a rap artist in a luxary hotel/room this can suggest they are already popular and they have made substancial amounts of money already, the longshot allows the enviroment to be shown but the artist to be shown in full
MLS (MEDIUM LONG SHOT) this shot is featured an awful lot in music videos as it can be used for detail of the artist but without the audience being in the face of the artist
MS (MEDIUM SHOT) This shot is one of the most common shots that is used in a music video, it shows the artist and part of there costume so once again steortypes linked to these artists and the associated connatations will be produced to the audience, this means you can deliver a product hat is expected of a certain gnere, for example you wouldnt find a rap artist helping an old woman across the road.
MCU (MEDIUM CLOSE UP) much like the the medium shot it is widely used in music videos, this allows the audience to see the artist performer singing the song. Also it allows if a narrative is being shown for the audience to see the emotions in detail of the actor, this allows emotions connections to be made, therefore making a more powerful music video
The following three shots (CU - CLOSE UP, BCU - BIG CLOSE UP, ECU EXTREME CLOSE UP) all have many thing the same as they all show the artist in details and  it allows the audience to make connections and emotional ties to the music video. In order for the audience to connect to the music they need to know how the artist./actor feels, this can be done very successfully by these three shots. A negative of these shots is that audienice dont get to see there costume nor there enviroment, therefore making it very confusing.

Completed Animatic

This is my completed animatic, this is the part of my research and planning, unfortunately when i uploaded it to youtube the editing was out of time with what i had saved it when i completed it. This animatic is designed to give me an idea of how many shots will be rquired, also it gives me a good idea of the timing of each frame and how my music video will come together when i film it. Also this made me think in detail of the locations i can/should use. The animatic will also be shown to the artist so they know what is expected and what the final product should hopefully look like.

Monday, 4 November 2013

Word CLoud

Rap Conventions

Main Conventions of rap music videos

The performer will rap towards the camera in the centre of the shot almost like they are talking to the audience. This shows that the rapper is dominant or at least trying to give that impression. A lot of the time this kind of shot will be using a fish eyed type camera lenses at a low angle. This will often be the main part of the performance section of rap videos, with the other section being mainly narrative heavy. The shots edits will normally be fast paced- depending of the songs tempo. Longer cuts normally means the song is slower as the editing is to the beat of the song. This is an example of Andrew Goodwin’s theory ‘Thought Beats’. Rap music videos on the whole are a rappers performance mainly with the occasional narrative heavy videos. An Example of a mixture of narrative and performance is Eminem’s ‘lose yourself’. Another conventions portrayed throughout rap is the common idea of artists talking about their wealth. If money is not shown then things that will represent their wealth will be shown such as guns, drugs and cars. The rap music videos are very incorporate Laura Mulvey’s ‘male gaze’ theory and  John Berger’s ‘Ways of seeing’ both theories are heavily involved in rap music because of the objectification of women as an object that is only present for male entertainment. Costume Conventions are usually: casual/baggy clothing, snapbacks or flat peaked caps, chains and hi-tops or trainers. The emotions are usually very clear and bold and presented through the artists gestures and facial expressions.

Monday, 21 October 2013

Audience Research

Audience Research

I will undertake a questionnaire to a variety of people ranging in age, race and sex. From this research I will be able to categorically define my target audience; the questionnaire will be comprised from these questions:

1)      Age?

2)      Male or female?

3)      What comes to your mind when you think of a rap artist?

4)      Would you prefer the music video to be a story or an artist performance?

5)      Where do you purchase or listen to the music from usually?

6)      On what platform do you usually watch the music videos?

7)      Do you listen to Rap, If so why? And if not why not?

8)      Is it one of your favourite genres of music, if not what is?

9)      What features would you expect to see in a rap video?

10)   Are rap music videos generally funny to you?

11)   Do rap videos evoke emotion for you?

12)   Is rap relatable to you (the audience and fans)?

13)   Are rap video surprising (abstract)?

14)   How long would you expect the video to be?

After my first questionnaire was answered by a media student, I found the questions were far too long, it took the person 5 minutes and 13 seconds to complete, I will next get a non- media student to answer my questions, so I have revised my questionnaire and now I will eliminate some questions, especially the closed questions as these gave me the least amount of information that I could work with, although I am taking these out of the questionnaire I might get a different set of people to answer the closed answer questions as this will mean I will be able to create a quick and simple survey for them to respond to, after I get a non-media student to answer the questionnaire I may have to further change my questionnaire. The questionnaire below is the revised questionnaire, designed to take a short amount of time to complete yet effective in the answers I get:

1)      Age?

2)      Male or female?

3)      What comes to your mind when you think of a rap artist?

4)      Would you prefer the music video to be a story or an artist performance?

5)      Where do you purchase or listen to the music from usually?

6)      On what platform do you usually watch the music videos?

7)      Do you listen to Rap, If so why? And if not why not?

8)      Is it one of your favourite genres of music, if not what is?

9)      What features would you expect to see in a rap video?

10)   How long would you expect the video to be?

Then this is my quick closed answer questionnaire designed for quick effective feedback, from which the answer I will be able to produce a chart

1) Are rap music videos generally funny to you?

2) Do rap videos evoke emotion for you?

3) Is rap relatable to you (the audience and fans)?

4) Are rap video surprising (abstract)?

I have given my new revised questionnaire to a group made up of 1 non-media students, 1 teacher, and 1 media student. When I gave the questionnaire I asked to receive some critics of the questionnaire and with that I had most verbal feedback from the group, the general consensus of the group was that the questions where too vague and that in order for me the get the detailed answers I would like to receive I would have to have a more detailed questions. Before I gave this group the questionnaire I received some critic of the first question, instead of have ‘age?’ I should put age categories so I changed the first to incorporate age groups:

1.      Age please circle:    10-14     15-20      21-25      26-35      36-50      51+

I chose these ages categories based upon the idea that there will be a clear divide in the ideas held by those age categories.

This questionnaire was filled out by a teacher and as you can see the age category selected is not my target audience, this is further reinforced by the answers give: for example question 10) How long would you expect the video to be? The answer I got was too long; this backs up the idea that this is not my target audience, also I got verbal feedback as part of this questionnaire, the teacher found that she does not have time to sit down and watches music video on the internet, instead she puts on the television and watches them whilst ironing, which shows this age group does not see music as a major part of their life, therefore will not spare the time that my target audience would do.

This questionnaire was answered by a media student and the answers I got shows that the age group  I am designing my music video around uses YouTube to access the videos, also they have answered so the questions are actually useful, unlike the questionnaire filled in by the teacher where the answer were not helpful for me, as they did not give me enough answers to work out what my audience wanted. My target audience seems to listen to music more and there own choice unlike the older age category where music is not a part of every day life to them.

The questionnaire below was filled out by a non-media student, this questionnaire showed the audience I am going to aim my music video at uses such sites like YouTube to watch the music videos, and that they use their mobile phone to watch the video, also that they do listen to rap, even though it isn’t one of there favourite genres of music they do enjoy it. Also I got some good feedback for question 8 where they offer some feedback to which I am able to take and possibly add to my final questionnaire. The feedback was good but this means it would turn my question from being an open question into a closed question.

I feel my revised questionnaire is detailed enough to gain answers for me to act upon, this targets not only the social aspect of my audience but the cultural consumption, which will allow me to define my audience, so as it stands my final questionnaire will give me answers that will be specific enough for me to really target the correct audience for my genre and my music:
1)      Age? please circle:    10-14     15-20      21-25      26-35      36-50      51+
2)      Male or female?
3)      What comes to your mind when you think of a rap artist?
4)      Would you prefer the music video to be a story or an artist performance?
5)      Where do you purchase or listen to the music from usually?
6)      On what platform do you usually watch the music videos?
7)      Do you listen to Rap, If so why? And if not why not?
8)      Is it one of your favourite genres of music, if not what is?
9)      What features would you expect to see in a rap video?
10)   How long would you expect the video to be?

I aim to get answers from a majority age of 15-20, with an even mixture of male and females. From the questions I will be able to decide on which platforms I should promote my music video on, and what they will expect to see in the video, and with these answers I’ll be able to modify my product to the specification of my audience, hence more sales/ more views. 

Conventions of exsisting videos  (Frank Ocean - Novacane) (Yonkers, Tyler The Creator)



·         Money

·         Girls

·         Jewellery

·         drugs

Features in the three music videos:


·         Hats

·         Chains

·         Jeans, or shorts


·         Low lighting


·         Street, studio & bedroom

·         Only one place


·         Male

·         Stop singing, lyrics continue

·         Smoking

·         abstract


·         No edits (no jump cuts)


·         No relation from the video to the lyrics

·         Introduction

The three videos are similar in that they all show a single male vocalist  in a single location. This is unusual, previously rap videos have focussed on a male vocalist but long shots show extras in character as fans or friends

The video that I am analysing is ‘rap’ –according to the expected genre of the song and the artist but it isn’t truly rap because it doesn’t contain swearing, except one word. The lyrics don’t follow conventions: money, girls and drugs, this song is about personal things like the death of his brother, President Hoover in style of ‘You can build shelter from the shrapnel of burnt bridges. Word to the sons of Jeff Fort and Larry Hoover.’ He talks about personal issues more than other artists as they rap about the lifestyle that is expected so this doesn’t follow conventions that have been set by other artist, this is known as part of the new generation rap where the lyrics are more complex and have more hidden meanings to then than other rap song lyrics. So this could be displayed through a complex music video, that would break conventions of exsisting music videos of this type of new generation rap or I could stick to exsisting music videos that have only one setting with minimal editing.

Thursday, 10 October 2013


The images are my intial ideas of some locations, the order in which they are in is what i think they should appear in, the edits will work out to be about anywhere from 7-11 seconds long, althought this length of edits isnt conventional i believe that it can work as i will be having a performance happening in each edit. 

 The first 3 locationwill be shot in my colleges recording studio, this will provide an accurate representation of a real recording studio.

This location will either be shot on a flight of stairs or outside the back of a house, the image wont be moving it will be a still image, with the camera in a fix position

The camera will be tilting in this image to give a disorentated and quirky look

This is a simple repeat shot and will help link the music video together by quickly repeating a shot

This will be a shot with a black and white editing in a green room with a black background

This will be a shot from further away but in the same location and the close up

This shot will be a darker shot with low lighting to create a dark look, the shot will pan down

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Story board A2 explanation

This is the music video "yonkers" by Tyler the creator, I chose to do a story board of this song as i am doing my music video of the same genre, so I chose this to get an idea of the conventions, through doing this I have found there is very little editing, but alot of different focuses used, racking being the major one that created the effects shown through-out. This music video has demonstrated that there doesn't have to be alot going on during the video but in order for you to be able to do that, the camera work has to be incredible for the music video to look good and professional. For when I come to do my final product i think the minimal use of mise-en-scene and in the selection of the one location has provided a professional finish to the product, during the rest of the music video there is only one edit, it is used in time with the music (also known as a rythmic edit) and it clearly shows the edit as it is enhanced by the music. The use of the low key lighting adds depth to the image, because and any point during the video one part of the artist is completely black which gives the connotation that the artist is singing/rapping about dark thinks and that he has a dark side to him, which is a stereotype of rap genre in general, the stereotype is that its all about crime and the 'gang' way of life. The use of the cockroach is shown through a caring and nurturing way as he plays with it in his hands, but for him to then eat the cockroach showing another connotation that things can go bad very quick from any innocent situation. I plan to stick by this dark and hostile image that is portrayed in its many forms in this video.

Story board A2 page 1

Story board A2 page 2


Advanced Portfolio in Media

Brief Specification
A promotion package for the release of an album, to include a music promo video, together with two of the following three options:

a website homepage for the band;

a cover for its release as part of a digipak (CD/DVD package);

a magazine advertisement for the digipak (CD/DVD package).

Friday, 21 June 2013

Music video

For my final product in A2 i would like to base on bobs dylans duquesne whistle, this is a great music video and it gets the audiences normal idea of conventions and breaks them, as the i dea is the most "love" stories is that boy gets girl and in this case it doesnt happen

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

The video

This is the video we are trying to recreate we are doing from 1:16 to 2:15 in this section of the video there is no lyrics, this will mean our video will not require any lip syncing so this will allow margin for error in editing, but the video will need to represent a similar mise-en-scene to that shown in the video to recreate the video so it looks good.

Story board


Head of lyrics and edit timings.

your job is vital to the editing process and helping the director when on location filming

your role is also vital to the performance and ensuring that while shooting the performer knows direction

to be able to edit your video as close to the original as possible knowing the timing between each edit is vital

Editing and timing